Home Learning
Welcome to the Home Learning page where you will find everything you need to know to set up your very own classroom! We hope that this information will help to give your child a structure and routine, which mirrors, as best as possible, what we do at school. Please remember to direct an queries or concerns to your class teacher.
Green topic book
A green topic book has been sent home for all of your children’s home learning to be completed in.
All of the home learning is going to be published on our website. Each week, each year group will receive an updated timetable that will outline the learning expectations for each day.
Each week, the children will be expected to read daily and write their reading homework in their homework diaries.
There is a spelling PowerPoint, which will share the spellings for each year group. Please complete the spelling activities in the front of their book and the spelling tests at the back of the book.
TTRS (Times Table Rock Stars)
Daily TTRS is expected and we ask that parents continue to sign homework diaries to evidence that this is being completed.
ERIC (Everybody Reading in Class), Maths and Topic/English Lessons
Each week, 5 videos for each of these subjects (ERIC, Maths and Topic/English) will be published on the website. The videos give a teacher input (so the children hear the teachers voice and understand the purpose of the lesson), an outline of what the activity is, guidelines of how to mark the work and support where needed. Some children may find these lessons tricky as they haven’t got the teacher/adult support; in the first instance, we would suggest that they access the materials from other year groups further down the school. We hope to be able to provide some packs of worksheets for children who will find this a more accessible route to learning; please contact your class teacher in due course.
The whole school has been given the same projects to work on, as we thought this would be easier for those parents who have more than one child in the school.
House points
We would like parents/carers to give out House points so the children feel that they are being rewarded. Please could you tally the House points on the back inside page of their home learning books for each week. We normally give out no more than 2 or 3 at a time. We will count these up upon the children’s return to school.
Presentation in our books at school is a high priority so we would like the children to maintain this at home. The following guidelines should help:
- All children must always be encouraged to write the date on the left hand side of the page and underline it with a ruler and a pencil (even if they write in pen).
- When necessary, all children must be encouraged to write the title and underline with a ruler and pencil.
- Handwriting pens must be blue and CJS approved. No ballpoint, biros, erasable pens or felt pens should be used. (We understand this is a bit more tricky but adhere to it as best you can)
- Blue handwriting pens should be used for written work, and pencil and coloured pencils should be used for illustrations.
- Pencils only to be used for Maths
- We prefer colouring pencils to be used in books rather than felt tip pens.
- Underline each piece of work and start the next piece of work underneath the previous (not on a new page).
The teacher will direct how we would like each piece of work to be marked. It may mean that the children mark their own work, the parent/carer marks the work or the work is photographed and emailed into the class email address. The teacher will respond with feedback for your child within 24 hours, all being well.
We appreciate that there may be some questions regarding home learning so please direct them to your class teacher. Where possible, the teacher will either respond or call you depending on the nature of the query. If a teacher is unwell, we will make sure that other teachers in the year group are checking the emails and will respond.
We ask that people do not share any negative views on Facebook/Whatsapp groups and if they have any comments to direct them straight back to the school. We are all in unchartered territory and want to work together to do the best for the children.
Other activities
We have also got another tab under Home Learning on the website sharing other activities you could do with your children.
Daily Exercise
Complete Coaching are going to provide a live daily work out at 1pm.
Miss McGann and myself will be putting together some Assemblies for your children to listen to so we all still feel like a school community. I may even try and do a singing assembly too!
Thank you for everyone’s continued support. We have been inundated with such lovely messages from our wonderful and supportive parents and this is helping to get us through this incredibly difficult time.
If anyone has any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact your class teacher.