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Multi Academy Trust

What is TAMAT?

On the 1st April 2018, Connaught Junior School joined The Alliance Multi-Academy Trust (TAMAT). This is a trust of five schools in the Surrey Heath area who have come together to work in partnership with a focus on enriching the education of every child in the trust. Further information about TAMAT can be found at

When the school converted to become an academy it left the direct control of the local authority and formed a trust company, which is limited under charity law. The governance structure, agreements and key policies can be found on the TAMAT website.

Each school within TAMAT has a local academy board consisting of governors who have delegated powers from the Trust Board to ensure that the standards of education and statutory compliance are maintained. Further information about local governors and their roles and responsibilities can be found in our governor pages.

For more information, please click on the link below.



TAMAT Governance Structure

TAMAT Organisational Structure

TAMAT Collaboration

Each school has a display in their entrance hall to celebrate collaboration between the 5 schools.

Throughout the year, all schools meet for INSET days to share expertise, best practice and training.  Recently, all staff had the opportunity to receive training which not only impacted their professional life but also their personal.  

TAMAT working groups 

One of the benefits of working within TAMAT, are that many working parties have been developed,  

Executive Team

Every fortnight, the Headteachers of all schools meet to discuss successes and challenges in each school as well as any national and local updates.  As well as this, they discuss quality of education, leadership and management, personal development and behaviour and attitudes.  

As well as this, the CEO (Mr Jon Hills) visits each school regularly to provide support and challenge.

Deputy Heads, Assistant Heads and SENCos. 

Each term, the Deputy Heads and Assistant Heads meet to either plan INSET days, cross school moderation or share good practice.  This is a great opportunity to further improve our schools.  

The SENCos also meet regularly whereby they share needs in their school, training that they have received and provided and collaborate to provide training across the trust.  Accordion Title


Each term, the DSLs meet with our safeguarding trustee to discuss what's going well in each school, areas for development, national and local updates and training opportunities.  Because of these meetings, we now have a TAMAT family support worker and each DSL is being provided with supervision for the role.  

Subject leaders 

Throughout the year, subject leaders have opportunities to meet across the trust to share how they are developing their subject area in their school.  This is amazing CPD for all.  As well as this, the teams have created their own assessment guidelines for all year groups to use to ensure we are consistent across the trust.  

Here is an example of a History grid for Year 6.

Office staff 

The office staff also meet regularly with the CFO to discuss changes in management systems, compliance, lettings to name of.  As well as this, they support across schools when needed.  



Prior to becoming part of the TAMAT, Connaught formed a single academy Trust on the 1st October 2013. 

The Alliance Multi Academy Trust

c/o Windlesham Village School,

School Road, Windlesham GU20 6PB